In my third post for The Diabetes O.C., I talked again about how much I dislike exercise and how I manage to make up any excuse not to workout. Little did I know, that post inspired me to try AGAIN to get back into an exercise routine. The last time I tried, I kept getting a ton of lows, both on the treadmill and through out the rest of the day. After four days, I talked myself out of even trying.
March was a really good blood sugar month for me. But, if I'm going to be honest, I haven't felt all that good. I'm tired all the time. I don't sleep well. Last week, I had a head-ache almost every afternoon. I think a lot of that can be solved with some exercise. Getting in shape will help me feel more energetic. It will help me sleep better. And better sleep will probably solve the head-ache problem.
So I'm starting the exercise routine again. I started slow, with just 20 minutes today. I began with a blood sugar of 98. I had a sip of orange juice half-way though. And I ended at 91. Last week I bought some Nurta-Grain bars, and although I bolus for the carbs, I find they spike me anyway. But I had one for breakfast after my "work-out" and only went as high as 107 on the CGM.
Of course, as I write this post, my low alarm has just gone off. My CGM shows me at 66, and a finger stick shows me at 49. I'm drinking a juice box and making a note in my logbook to drop a unit from my breakfast bolus tomorrow. Because I will walk on the treadmill again tomorrow!!!!