Participant list is in order based on when I received your sign-up information.
Karen of Bitter~Sweet
Kim of Texting My Pancreas
Tristan of Based on a True Story
Jess of Nachoblog's Blog
Fancy Nancy of With a Side of Insulin
Sam of Pancreas on my Belt
Amy of Fingersticks and Footchecks
Scully of Canadian D-gal
Wendy of Candy Hearts
Quinn of (Buzz, Buzz) No it's not my cell phone
Cindy of Eaten Alive
Kelly of Diabetesaliciousness™
Emma of Teapot_Diabetic
Crystal of Randomly CapitalizeD
Jen of Blood, Sweat & Carbs
Jess of Me and D
Michael of The Diabetic's Corner Booth
Cara of Every Day Every Hour Every Minute
Ginger of Living In Progress
Misty of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Stacey of The Girl with the Portable Pancreas
Barb of Diabetes Advocacy
Krista of Day by day with Diabetes
Leighann of D-Mom Blog
Meri of Our Diabetic Life
Reyna of Beta Buddies
Penny of A Sweet Grace
Pearlsa of A Girl and Her Reflections
The Community at Diabetic Connect
The DL of The LD
George of Ninjabetic
Cyntheeuhh of Cure Cynthia
Gaye of Betty vs Helena
Liz of Welcome to My Diabetic Life
Colleen of meanderings
Minnesota Nice of PurpleHaze
HVS of The D-Log Cabin
Beth of The Beth Chronicles
Cherise of Diabetic_Iz_Me
Jen of I Am Your Pancreas
Jasmine of Silver-Lined
Haley of Naturally Sweet
Susi of LADA Life
Kaitake of The Kaitake Blog
Auntly H of Beyond Your Peripheral Vision
Alexis of Justice's Misbehaving Pancreas
Windy of The Diabetic Domestic Diva
Lacy of Surreal Reality
Becca of Single White Diabetic
Amy of Diabetes Mine and
Allison, also of Diabetes Mine
Toucan Scraps of Toucan Scraps & News
Simon of Simon from the 70s
Scott of Scott's Diabetes
Joanne of Death of a Pancreas
Denise of My Sweet Bean and Her Pod
Naomi of The Diabetic Diva
April of Hi My Name is Bob - I'm a (Insulin) Pump
Kelly of Trials & Tribulations of Being a Type 1 Diabetic
Lauren of Lauren Nygard Photography
Ryanne of Ryanne May I?
Carol of Mom of a Tween with T1 Diabetes
Sarah of smartDpants
Denise of My Sweetest Boy
Unicornz of The Sugar Pump Fairy
The Kimlers of the Kimlers...
Katie of 1LittlePrick
Queenie of The Life of Queenie
Mike of My Diabetic Heart
Kerri of Six Until Me and
Abby, also of Six Until Me
Brenda of Olivejooice
Sarah Jane of Sarahndipity
Rachel of Tales of Rachel
Melissa of My corner
Type 1 advocate gramma of Type 1 Advocate Gramma
Layne of Semi Charmed Life
Jeff of Jeff Mather’s Dispatches
Ashley Rose of Tales of SWAGing
Kyla of After…Because there was once a before.
Sysy of The Girl's Guide to Diabetes
Erin of EDONA designs - Creatively Controlled Chaos
Nan of eat. pray. bolus.
Moira of despitediabetes
Michelle of Sugar-Coated
MelissaBL of Sweetly Voiced
Martin of Diabeticaly Speaking
Renata of Diabetic Duo
Angela of bloodsugarwitch
Mike of Every day ups and downs
Naomi of Diabeteen
Mike of What Some Would Call Lies
Jan (blog link will be added asap!!)
Bob of Bob Pedersen / Diabetes Daily
Briley of InDpendence
Roger of Diabetes Dialectics
Rosanne of Eat, Mind, Move
Tamara of good looking life
Daisy of Diabetic Dais
Natalie of onedaywithdiabetes
Sarah of Diabetes+Determination=Life
Scott of Scott's Web Log
Dayle of Diabetes Stops Here
Tony of The Journey of the Red Rider
Kandice of Cherished Children
Celine of Running on carbs
Melissa of meewah*betic
Jillian of Snowflakes in January
FatCatAnna of Anna's Blog
Jodi of Jo-pourri
Siobhan of click of the light
Courtney of A Sweet Feat
Victoria of victoria cumbow
Laura of Houston . . . We have a PROBLEM!
Faith of Faith For All Time
Trev of Three 2 Treat
Lee Ann of The Butter Compartment
Sara of Moments of Wonderful
Donna of The Sugar Kids Blog
Sherry of Jenna's Pet Monkey
Lorraine of Mstangs Blog!
Jacquie of Typical Type 1
Sue of RFamHere's Ramblings
Lori of The Incredible Mr. Sweets
Chris, also of The Incredible Mr. Sweets
Jane of Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE
Wendy R of Jen's Diabetes Roller Coaster
Scott of Strangely Diabetic
Dia...Betty of a.k.a Dia...Betty
Diane of Our Type 1 Trip
Kari of delightfully diabetic
Tricia of Battery Operated Pancreas
Hallie of The Princess and The Pump
Nicole of Good Family Living
Ashley of Random Ramblings
Heidi of D-Tales
Michelle of Tightrope Tango
Nicole of The We CARA Lot Blog
Alan of Poems for Active Diabetics
Heather of Sweet to the Soul
Kathy of my new islets
Lora of My Diabetic Child
Tammy of What A Day
Eliot of Diabetic Talks
Kim of KD(and it's not kraft dinner!)
Virtue of Natural Born Cyborg
ninnifur of Ninnifur
Nikki of Diabetes Sunshine
Alissa of Juvenile Diabetes
htimm of A Work in Progress
Kimberly of Meal Mommy
Members of College Diabetes Network
Amy of Embrace Diabetes
Bridget of Bridget Writes
Scott of Arden's Day
Kris of My Sugar Bugs
Kathleen of Living with Diabetes and Lapband
Vivian of DanielDoo
Red of Daddybetes
Steve of Without Envy
Sarah of The Ethan and Issac Show
Beth of adiabeticlife.com
Heidi of Diabetics are Naturally Sweet
Kate of Sweet Success: My life with Type 2 Diabetes
tumeto of Sugar? No Thanks
muffinmoon of muffinmoon
Gina of The Diabetes Talkfest Blog
Ann Onimous of Mom to the Human Pincushion
Angie of Organised Chaos
Hannah McD of Dorkabetic
My Sweet Girl of My Sweet Girl
Divina of Monkey School
Erin of Catching up with Erin
Chris of A Consequence of Hypoglycemia.
Lorraine of This is Caleb
GME of How Sweet the Sting
Bea of Sweet Bea
Christy of My 2 Sweet Babies
Lisa of Me & My Boys
Meghan of No Simple Sugar
Marella of Forever Sweet Marella
Jenny of The Diabetes Double Trouble Blog
Meagan of The Un-Apologetic Diabetic
Kim of Texting My Pancreas
Tristan of Based on a True Story
Jess of Nachoblog's Blog
Fancy Nancy of With a Side of Insulin
Sam of Pancreas on my Belt
Amy of Fingersticks and Footchecks
Scully of Canadian D-gal
Wendy of Candy Hearts
Quinn of (Buzz, Buzz) No it's not my cell phone
Cindy of Eaten Alive
Kelly of Diabetesaliciousness™
Emma of Teapot_Diabetic
Crystal of Randomly CapitalizeD
Jen of Blood, Sweat & Carbs
Jess of Me and D
Michael of The Diabetic's Corner Booth
Cara of Every Day Every Hour Every Minute
Ginger of Living In Progress
Misty of Life is Like a Box of Chocolates
Stacey of The Girl with the Portable Pancreas
Barb of Diabetes Advocacy
Krista of Day by day with Diabetes
Leighann of D-Mom Blog
Meri of Our Diabetic Life
Reyna of Beta Buddies
Penny of A Sweet Grace
Pearlsa of A Girl and Her Reflections
The Community at Diabetic Connect
The DL of The LD
George of Ninjabetic
Cyntheeuhh of Cure Cynthia
Gaye of Betty vs Helena
Liz of Welcome to My Diabetic Life
Colleen of meanderings
Minnesota Nice of PurpleHaze
HVS of The D-Log Cabin
Beth of The Beth Chronicles
Cherise of Diabetic_Iz_Me
Jen of I Am Your Pancreas
Jasmine of Silver-Lined
Haley of Naturally Sweet
Susi of LADA Life
Kaitake of The Kaitake Blog
Auntly H of Beyond Your Peripheral Vision
Alexis of Justice's Misbehaving Pancreas
Windy of The Diabetic Domestic Diva
Lacy of Surreal Reality
Becca of Single White Diabetic
Amy of Diabetes Mine and
Allison, also of Diabetes Mine
Toucan Scraps of Toucan Scraps & News
Simon of Simon from the 70s
Scott of Scott's Diabetes
Joanne of Death of a Pancreas
Denise of My Sweet Bean and Her Pod
Naomi of The Diabetic Diva
April of Hi My Name is Bob - I'm a (Insulin) Pump
Kelly of Trials & Tribulations of Being a Type 1 Diabetic
Lauren of Lauren Nygard Photography
Ryanne of Ryanne May I?
Carol of Mom of a Tween with T1 Diabetes
Sarah of smartDpants
Denise of My Sweetest Boy
Unicornz of The Sugar Pump Fairy
The Kimlers of the Kimlers...
Katie of 1LittlePrick
Queenie of The Life of Queenie
Mike of My Diabetic Heart
Kerri of Six Until Me and
Abby, also of Six Until Me
Brenda of Olivejooice
Sarah Jane of Sarahndipity
Rachel of Tales of Rachel
Melissa of My corner
Type 1 advocate gramma of Type 1 Advocate Gramma
Layne of Semi Charmed Life
Jeff of Jeff Mather’s Dispatches
Ashley Rose of Tales of SWAGing
Kyla of After…Because there was once a before.
Sysy of The Girl's Guide to Diabetes
Erin of EDONA designs - Creatively Controlled Chaos
Nan of eat. pray. bolus.
Moira of despitediabetes
Michelle of Sugar-Coated
MelissaBL of Sweetly Voiced
Martin of Diabeticaly Speaking
Renata of Diabetic Duo
Angela of bloodsugarwitch
Mike of Every day ups and downs
Naomi of Diabeteen
Mike of What Some Would Call Lies
Jan (blog link will be added asap!!)
Bob of Bob Pedersen / Diabetes Daily
Briley of InDpendence
Roger of Diabetes Dialectics
Rosanne of Eat, Mind, Move
Tamara of good looking life
Daisy of Diabetic Dais
Natalie of onedaywithdiabetes
Sarah of Diabetes+Determination=Life
Scott of Scott's Web Log
Dayle of Diabetes Stops Here
Tony of The Journey of the Red Rider
Kandice of Cherished Children
Celine of Running on carbs
Melissa of meewah*betic
Jillian of Snowflakes in January
FatCatAnna of Anna's Blog
Jodi of Jo-pourri
Siobhan of click of the light
Courtney of A Sweet Feat
Victoria of victoria cumbow
Laura of Houston . . . We have a PROBLEM!
Faith of Faith For All Time
Trev of Three 2 Treat
Lee Ann of The Butter Compartment
Sara of Moments of Wonderful
Donna of The Sugar Kids Blog
Sherry of Jenna's Pet Monkey
Lorraine of Mstangs Blog!
Jacquie of Typical Type 1
Sue of RFamHere's Ramblings
Lori of The Incredible Mr. Sweets
Chris, also of The Incredible Mr. Sweets
Jane of Jane K. Dickinson, RN, PhD, CDE
Wendy R of Jen's Diabetes Roller Coaster
Scott of Strangely Diabetic
Dia...Betty of a.k.a Dia...Betty
Diane of Our Type 1 Trip
Kari of delightfully diabetic
Tricia of Battery Operated Pancreas
Hallie of The Princess and The Pump
Nicole of Good Family Living
Ashley of Random Ramblings
Heidi of D-Tales
Michelle of Tightrope Tango
Nicole of The We CARA Lot Blog
Alan of Poems for Active Diabetics
Heather of Sweet to the Soul
Kathy of my new islets
Lora of My Diabetic Child
Tammy of What A Day
Eliot of Diabetic Talks
Kim of KD(and it's not kraft dinner!)
Virtue of Natural Born Cyborg
ninnifur of Ninnifur
Nikki of Diabetes Sunshine
Alissa of Juvenile Diabetes
htimm of A Work in Progress
Kimberly of Meal Mommy
Members of College Diabetes Network
Amy of Embrace Diabetes
Bridget of Bridget Writes
Scott of Arden's Day
Kris of My Sugar Bugs
Kathleen of Living with Diabetes and Lapband
Vivian of DanielDoo
Red of Daddybetes
Steve of Without Envy
Sarah of The Ethan and Issac Show
Beth of adiabeticlife.com
Heidi of Diabetics are Naturally Sweet
Kate of Sweet Success: My life with Type 2 Diabetes
tumeto of Sugar? No Thanks
muffinmoon of muffinmoon
Gina of The Diabetes Talkfest Blog
Ann Onimous of Mom to the Human Pincushion
Angie of Organised Chaos
Hannah McD of Dorkabetic
My Sweet Girl of My Sweet Girl
Divina of Monkey School
Erin of Catching up with Erin
Chris of A Consequence of Hypoglycemia.
Lorraine of This is Caleb
GME of How Sweet the Sting
Bea of Sweet Bea
Christy of My 2 Sweet Babies
Lisa of Me & My Boys
Meghan of No Simple Sugar
Marella of Forever Sweet Marella
Jenny of The Diabetes Double Trouble Blog
Meagan of The Un-Apologetic Diabetic