I returned home from a lovely lunch out on Friday to find my caller id showing a call from my endocrinologist's office. My appointment isn’t for a few weeks, so I knew it was way to early for them to be calling to confirm. I figured maybe a conference had come up or something, so they were calling to reschedule. I was secretly a little bit glad, because I’m always happy to procrastinate an appointment. But I was not prepared for what I heard on the message:
“Hi, this message is for Karen. I’m calling to let you know that “Dr. Awesome Endo who I Love” has moved his practice to “a town far far away”. His new number is “blah blah blah-ty blah”. If you need a recommendation for a local endocrinologist, we are referring patents to “some local endo in a different practice than theirs-which seems weird to me, right?”. Thank you.” (** Italicized portions have obviously been embellished by me)
Oh crap!!!! My endo is gone!!! Okay, he’s not really gone-gone, but his new practice is now about 45 minutes away. To be honest, I can’t say I’m overly shocked that he has moved on. Dr. Awesome Endo never really seemed to fit in with the doctor who heads up that practice, which I’ve always felt was a good thing. The other endo seems gruff and cold and I glad she isn’t taking on his patients because I wouldn’t have wanted to see her anyway. But that is beside the point.
The point is, now what do I do???? Do I start over and try to find another local endo who I love? I mean, I know there must be other great endos in the area. But seriously? The thought of starting all over again sucks!! I have huge amounts of doctor-anxiety, and even with Dr. Awesome Endo I get really really nervous for each appointment. But honestly, once I’m there I’m so comfortable with him. And more importantly, I am thrilled with the care I receive from him. He is supportive. He is realistic. He is up on the latest technologies. He listens to what I want and need and works with me.
So is this worth driving 45 minutes for appointments? As crazy as it may sound, I’m starting to think it is. Honestly, my since my blood work and other labs have been constantly coming back great, we’ve been scheduling my appointments about 4 to 6 months apart. So provided things stay stable, that’s two or three visits a year. Sure, there is no guarantee that things will stay stable, but I suppose if the time comes when I need appointments every couple of months I could look for someone closer then. On the other hand, maybe it makes more sense to look for someone in the area now, before it becomes a problem. And heck, I don’t even know if Dr. Awesome Endo’s new practice takes my insurance??
Endo stress. It’s not something I’ve thought about in years. But you can probably tell it’s been running rampant in my head all weekend. And it sure isn’t fun, is it?