Not a new post was stirring, your time it won't hog.
Friends started e-mailing notes filled with care,
Wondering why updates had now become rare.
There's shopping and knitting and holiday crap,
I know I should post, but I all I want is a nap!
I'm cranky and blue and just keep feeling sadder
So I test my blood sugar to see what's the matter.
First it's too high, then it's too low
Holiday stress wreaks havoc on blood sugar, you know?
Bolus a correction when the highs appear,
And for those lows, gobble eight tiny reindeer.
(um, reindeer cookies!)
Then grab the knitting needles, so lively and quick,
And work on those gifts, just like St. Nick.
Less rapid than eagles my gifts how they came,
But I whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, mittens! now, scarves! now, socks and toys!
On, lace! on cables! for girls and for boys!
To the top of the skein! to the top of the yarn ball!
Now knit away! knit away! knit away all!"
Then off to the mall in my car I flew,
To buy other gifts for the people I knew.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard in my head
The buzzing sound I've long come to dread.
I drew in my hand, and again pricked my finger,
Knowing I'd have a low that would linger and linger.
Shopping makes blood-sugar crash, from my head to my foot,
I need to sit down, eat something, stay put;
A bundle of candy I had flung on my back,
It's the reason my purse is as large as a sack.
The blood sugar woes make it hard to be merry!
And my muscles ache from the supplies I must carry!
I wish I'd stay home to knit one more row,
Instead of braving the mall and fighting this low;
But soon after the SweetTarts are safe in my belly,
My legs stop feeling as if they're made of jelly.
I'm feeling much better, a right jolly old elf,
And I laugh as I shop, in spite of myself;
A few more gifts from the list in my head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
I make my way home, but then remember more work,
I've forgotten to bake cookies; I feel like a jerk!
A batch of shortbread, shaped like Christmas bows,
Just thinking of them and my blood sugar rose.
So much left to do, as my blog drops out of sight,
"Happy Blood-Sugar to all, and to all a good-night."
Enjoyed it!
ReplyDeleteCool! Happy Blood-Sugar to you, too! :)